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5 steps in tackling mental health in the construction industry

Every single working day in the UK, two construction workers take their own life and a fifth of all work-related illness is due to stress, anxiety and depression.

Recent surveys suggest that 64% of construction workers want better physical and mental wellbeing support from their employers. There is also a call for the construction industry to have a greater awareness of mental health and eradicate the stigma that comes with it. Organisations like Building Mental Health for example, provide support and advice to increase ​awareness of mental health.

How can you build a successful Mental Health culture in your workplace?

Building Mental Health have provided a 5 step plan, which is available here >


Change in the workplace starts with your management. Get the ball rolling by signing the Building Mental Health charter and by doing so you are making a commitment to join in improving mental health in the industry. You will get a copy of the charter to sign and proudly display to show that you are committed to making a difference.

Mental Health

Step 2

If you have an employee assistance programme for your staff, make sure its well publicised with posters around the sites and cards given to all those in the programme. If you do not have a programme you can always use the Construction Industry Helpline. This is a 24/7 Helpline funded by the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity who in turn are funded by the generosity of the companies and individuals in construction.

These helpline cards and posters can be obtained by registered users of the Considerate Constructors scheme at or they are available from the charity website

Don't forget to encourage staff to download the free ‘Construction Industry Helpline’ app. This free mental health app will provide vital information, advice and guidance on many wellbeing topics including stress, anxiety, depression, anger and suicidal thoughts.

Mental Health

Step 3:

Create an interactive Tool Box talk to raise the awareness of everyone in the organisation to the mental health issues we have and help educate them on identifying possible signs of stress, anxiety and depression and how to start the conversation. If you do not have a "Tool Box" talk already in place then download and use the template version on Building Mental Health’s website. It comes with a guidance note and is fully scripted.

​If you have remote workers who cannot attend the "Tool Box" talk, Considerate Constructors have a self paced course available on line. This is FREE but you will have to register your name and details​.

Mental Health

Step 4:

It is always good to have anyone that is a "people manager" in your organisation given a little more information on how to recognise and what to do when confronted by somebody with a mental health issue. Mental Health First Aid England have a CITB eligible generic course that raises better understanding and advice on potential pathways for help.

Mental Health

Step 5

Having certified Mental Health First Aiders on site is probably the highest level at the moment, (this is a 2 day intensive course). For large sites we would encourage you to have one Mental Health First Aider for every 100 employees and subcontractors on site. These courses do incur costs and usually cost around £200 - £300 per delegate. Generic courses are available from Mental Health First Aid England.

Mental Health

Source: Building Mental Health

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Posted: 15/05/2019


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