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Single-Use Plastic Ban Imminent

We're all getting used to taking our reusable bags to Tesco and refillable cups to Starbucks! So what is the next step to reduce the use of plastic?

The Government recently announced that they will ban some single-use plastics in England. The ban is a big step forward in the fight to make the Earth cleaner and healthier for future generations. See Government's Announcement on Single-Use Plastic Ban

What is included in the ban? Single-use plastic plates, trays, bowls, cutlery, balloon sticks, and certain types of polystyrene cups and food containers will be banned as of October 2023.

It is estimated that removing single-use cutlery will eliminate 2.7 Billion pieces of plastic waste per year in England alone. Plastic pollution takes hundreds of years to break down and causes severe damage to our oceans, rivers and land. It is also a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions from manufacture to disposal.

What can we do in preparation for the ban? First, make small changes to current habits.

Instead of ordering the polystyrene cups everyone loves, try out double-walled paper cups; they do the same job but can be put in the recycling and made into more paper cups! Also, some cups can be put into the compost bin.

Are all paper cups made equal? Nope. Don't be fooled by a paper cup! A significant proportion can't be recycled as they have a plastic inner liner.

How about cutlery? The most sustainable option is to swap to Stainless Steel cutlery. However, this can cause issues with someone having to wash up! Instead, try the wooden cutlery made from wood. Once you've eaten your lunch, put them in the compost bin along with your plate and paper cup. You don't even need to scrape your plate.

Bryson has an ever-growing range of Eco-Friendly & sustainable products to make your green goals even easier to achieve with minimal effort. We have until October to make the swaps, but why wait until then? Start a new habit and change the way you order for the site canteen now.

Click here to start your sustainable journey 

Posted: 03/02/2023


Issy Earl | Bryson

Bryson great place to work
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